Photo by Jan Dufek

Waking up & growing up for the benefit of all

About Kuan 

On extended retreat through 2025

I’m on retreat through 2025 to deepen my practice, and will be checking emails intermittently. Feel free to get in touch via my contact page, or subscribe to my newsletter for updates. Looking forward to connecting with you next year!

Hello, I’m Kuan (she/her). I believe spiritual awakening and psychological maturity need each other to fully support healing and transformation in a time of unprecedented change.

I guide and facilitate the development of awareness and relational skills both in groups and with individuals. I regularly lead meditation practices and share reflections online. Sometimes, I lead programs out-of-doors. I am also a wilderness first responder, and an apprentice of ancestral living skills .

Previously, I spent a decade working in tech as a software designer and startup founder. Projects include Elpha, Cockroach Labs, Etsy, and others.

Thank you for being here. May our practice benefit all beings everywhere, without exception.

“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two my life flows.”

― Nisargadatta Maharaj